Each day, consumers get more and more conscious about what they eat, or drink and our products were created on that vein. Truthfully, you really have to try our coffee to see what the hype is all about! Simply put, we are not a “me too”. We have created our products to eliminate that stale dated space in the coffee industry because people are craving that - they want to try different types of coffee and to see more diversity in the coffee industry.

From inception our whole concept has been a natural, unique, and preservative-free coffee, which means our coffee is made to order and does not sit on a shelf for months. We have adopted the “Milk Man” approach.

You see, WAAR is not only a great source of caffeine that provides a convenient boost of energy, but our products have many beneficial antioxidants and nutrients. Just try our coconut coffee for example – this little guy is loaded with that good fat and coupled with its luscious taste of sweet coconut, just makes this one “irresistible” and who said there was anything wrong with being a “WAAR addict?”

Our classic sweet spices that we use from barks of trees has been used for over 4000 years, during ancient Egyptian times. Some of which are considered powerful anti-inflammatory, heart friendly antioxidants that is perfect for sweetening foods. We believe in the term “from scratch” and while it might take a little longer to make our blends, that’s okay because the satisfaction we get from knowing that you are drinking something clean, is just an extraordinary feeling!

And, in this highly competitive market, we welcome you to take this journey with us while we get ready for this caffeine WAAR!